Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Downtempo”

Is it over
I must admit that I found a theoretical explanation for the creation of “Is it over?” in hindsight, as I compose “emotionally” and usually work on technique to expand my musical vocabulary.
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Remarkably Small Changes
A composition that is symmetrical in relation to its environment and explores how the change of one note can transform the perception of the color of the piece.
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Rêve suspendu
A vast stage whose background is not clearly visible in the dark. 5 draped acrobats descend vertically from the high ceilings that are lost in the mist.
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There is light
In “There is light” I play the Kaval, an instrument I brought back from Turkey during one of my trips to Istanbul. This instrument is fascinating because of the simplicity of its conception and the difficulty of playing it.
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Tribal Glitch
Tipping Point is about resilience, emotions, and how we experience change. It is an invitation to a rich and sensitive inner journey. Like its cover painting, each track explores a transition that marks a before and after in our lives.
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Carnaval Macabre
Tipping Point is about resilience, emotions, and how we experience change. It is an invitation to a rich and sensitive inner journey. Like its cover painting, each track explores a transition that marks a before and after in our lives.
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Impossible Change
Tipping Point is about resilience, emotions, and how we experience change. It is an invitation to a rich and sensitive inner journey. Like its cover painting, each track explores a transition that marks a before and after in our lives.
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A Distance Ago
Tipping Point is about resilience, emotions, and how we experience change. It is an invitation to a rich and sensitive inner journey. Like its cover painting, each track explores a transition that marks a before and after in our lives.
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